Prehistoric animals are animals that lived on Earth before the modern era and before the emergence of human civilization. Some of the most well-known prehistoric animals include:

  1. Dinosaurs - A group of reptiles that lived between 230 and 65 million years ago. They were diverse in size, shape, and behavior, and included well-known species like the Tyrannosaurus rex, Velociraptor, and Stegosaurus.

  2. Saber-toothed cats - Large predatory cats that lived during the Ice Age, characterized by their long, curved canine teeth. Some of the most well-known species include Smilodon and Homotherium.

  3. Woolly mammoths - Large, shaggy elephants that lived during the last Ice Age. They were adapted to cold environments and had long, curved tusks and thick fur.

  4. Megalodon - An extinct species of shark that lived approximately 2.6 million years ago. It is one of the largest sharks ever to have lived, with estimated lengths of up to 60 feet.

  5. Pterosaurs - Flying reptiles that lived during the Mesozoic Era. They ranged in size from small, bat-like creatures to large, winged animals with wingspans of up to 33 feet.

  6. Smaller mammals - These animals were generally smaller in size than their modern counterparts and included species like the giant ground sloth, the saber-toothed deer, and the glyptodon.

These are just a few examples of the many fascinating prehistoric animals that once roamed the Earth.